я вся такая классная и стильная, и все меня хотят!
make up mind
Ага, это значит "выбрать, решить, придумать", значит!
make up your mind
make up your mind also make your mind up
1. to decide what to choose (often + question word) I can't make up my mind whether to have the salmon or the chicken.
2. to become very certain that you want to do something (often + to do sth) At a very early age she made up her mind to become an actress. My mind's made up. I'm handing in my resignation tomorrow.
Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.
make up your mind also make your mind up
to decide something, esp. what to do She's made up her mind to take dancing lessons. Once you've made your mind up, there's no turning back.
Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.
Ага, это значит "выбрать, решить, придумать", значит!