я вся такая классная и стильная, и все меня хотят!
Анютины глазки и гомики)))

Мде, такое очучение, что тётя Ро сделала это специально)))

pansy1157 up, 229 down

A sissy, fag, fairy, or one that is generally unmanly.

Christ, you're such a fucking pansy, Paul.

by Weapon Mar 13, 2003 share this
pansy images

Hey A-rod, define

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2.pansy413 up, 121 down

girly and sissy-like

peter, you're scared to touch a worm?? you are such a pansy!

by setari parsa Apr 22, 2004 share this
3.Pansy386 up, 151 down

(n) a plant of the genera Achimenes or Viola possesssing a distinctive

purple tint and demeanor; (n) one who lacks the appropiate masculinity

associated with testosterone and like the pansy displays a shade of

purple and a flower like demeanor but is however a fruit

When we forced him to play football, the Pansy cried, "Ewwww

disgusting meathead game."

by riz Dec 22, 2003 share this
4.pansy232 up, 72 down

someones whos THE bitch in a relationship. someone who gets walked all

over. One who is of a feminine nature. Has Girly qualities.

I was punked out again. I'm such a pansy.

5.pansy198 up, 54 down

someone very pathetic and wimpy, generally used as an insult against

both sexes. often confused with fag, sissyand other rather small-

minded terms for a homosexual man.

"wow. you won't touch already-chewed gum, even if YOU chewed it?

what a friggin pansy!"

6.pansy127 up, 32 down

A person who acts sissy-like and is not manly enough. Mostly a sissy


Life isn't a garden Corey, Don't be a pansy!

by Brian-Jackson Apr 12, 2007 share this
7.pansy113 up, 83 down

One who is a pussy, fairy, or unmanly male. see, osipov.

Jesus Christ Osipov, you are a fucking pansy.

@темы: иняз, эйго и прочие страшные твари, Наука

26.12.2010 в 21:16

I kiss better than I cook
а можно часть убрать под море?
26.12.2010 в 21:21

я вся такая классная и стильная, и все меня хотят!
море через раз срабатывает(
26.12.2010 в 22:14

I kiss better than I cook