上を向いて歩こう (Looking up while walking)
Ue wo muite arukou
涙がこぼれないように (So the tears won’t fall)
Namida ga koborenai youni
思い出す春の日 (Remebering those spring days)
Omoidasu haru no hi
一人ぼっちの夜 (All alone at night)
Hitoribocchi no yoru
上を向いて歩こう (Looking up while walking)
Ue wo muite arukou
にじんだ星をかぞえて (And counting the scattered stars)
Nijinda hoshi wo kazoete
思い出す夏の日 (Remembering those summer days)
Omoidasu natsu no hi
一人ぼっちの夜 (All alone at night)
Hitoribocchi no yoru
幸せは雲の上に (Happiness lies above the clouds)
Shiawase wa kumo no ue ni
幸せは空の上に (Happiness lies above the sky)
Shiawase wa sora no ue ni
上を向いて歩こう (Looking up while walking)
Ue wo muite arukou
涙がこぼれないように (So the tears won’t fall)
Namida ga koborenai youni
泣きながら歩く (Keep walking on, while crying)
Naki nagara aruku
一人ぼっちの夜 (It’s a lonely night)
Hitoribocchi no yoru
思い出す秋の日 (Remembering those autumn days)
Omoidasu aki no hi
悲しみは星の影に (Sadness is in the shadow of the stars)
Kanashimi wa hoshi no kage ni
悲しみは月の影に (Sadness is in the shadow of the moon)
Kanashimi wa tsuki no kage ni
上を向いて歩こう (Looking up while walking)
Ue wo muite arukou
涙がこぼれないように (So the tears won’t fall)
Namida ga koborenai youni
泣きながら歩く (Keep walking on, while crying)
Naki nagara aruku
一人ぼっちの夜 (It’s a lonely night)
Hitoribocchi no yoru
一人ぼっちの夜 (It’s a lonely night)
Hitoribocchi no yoru